Next SVH3 or FHAgnews hash – check Twitter feed below!
We are drinkers with a running problem. Hashes are set anywhere from South Bay to the mid peninsula (that’s San Jose to around Menlo Park, for you visitors.) SVH3 hashes are on every other Saturday afternoon, check the Up cumming Hashes for specific dates. Special events include the Red Dress Run in the spring and the pool party in late summer.
Also within the area, you can hash on Thursdays with the FHAgnews Hash House Harriers. Again, check the calender for up cumming hashes. Also, checkout the Hash Links for more Bay Area hashes, from Napa to Monterey. We’re especially nice to first timers, trust us…or you can check the Virgin Hasher Guide. And virgins run drink for free!
What is Hashing?
The Harriers & Harriettes
Hashers are identified by their Hash names.
The Trails
Trails are generally 3 to 5 miles (7 if an FRB is the hare.) Race, jog or walk. Well laid trails force front runners to stop often and re-find the trail, allowing the pack to catchup. Poorly laid trails result in the well deserved abuse of the Hare at the end. If you want to set a trail, contact the Hare Raisers
Hash Cash
For a mere $5.00, you can enjoy the running and the refreshments. Virgins are free the first hash.
The Beer
Generally there is a Beer Check during the run and always at the end. Hidden under the beer are soft drinks and water for the ill adjusted.
After The Run
At the end of the trail to socialize and ceremoniously drink beer in the Down-Down circle. Some go On-On-On to eat together, drink together, and maybe do a little dancing.
More Information?
Contact our mismanagement.